中文版  English

Detection of the amplification capability of Junction FET


Detection of the amplification capability of Junction FET
1. Detection and amplification capability
Put the multimeter in the DC 10 V block, and connect the red and black probes to the drain and source respectively. During the test, adjust RP, the voltage value indicated by the multimeter should change according to the following rules: when RP is increased, the indicated voltage value of multimeter is too high; when RP is down, the indicated voltage value of multimeter decreases. This change indicates that the tube has the ability to amplify. In the process of adjusting RP, the greater the change of the voltage value indicated by the multimeter, the stronger the amplification ability of the tube. If there is no obvious or no change in the indication of the multimeter when adjusting RP, it indicates that the field effect transistor has little or no amplification ability.